
The signed Agreement on cooperation with the University of Novi Sad

Jun 30, 2024 | News

Within the framework of the MO4R project, cooperation was realized between the Institute for Development and International Relations, IRMO, and the Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management of the Faculty of Science, University of Novi Sad, according to the previously signed Cooperation Agreement. Scientists from both institutions, Damir Demonja, Ph.D., Scientific advisor with tenure, and prof. dr. Vladimir Stojanović, full professor, researched the historical-artistic monument, i.e. architectural heritage in Vojvodina, the chapel of St. Vendelin in Odžaci. The comprehensive multi-month field research work included detailed research of the monument in situ, its photo shoot, video recording and detailed analysis and descriptions of the existing state of the architecture and the associated church inventory of the chapel of St. Vendelin, as well as the finding, research and processing of archival material and associated scientific and professional literature. This resulted with the scientific paper “The Chapel of St. Vendelin in Odžaci – study of construction and decoration based on documentation in the Archives of the Archdiocese of Kaloča (1891-1895)”, which was accepted for publication in 2024 in the Serbian scientific journal of scientific category a1, “Građa za proučavanje spomenika kulture Vojvodine / Materials for the study of the cultural monuments of Vojvodina”, published by the Provincial Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments Petrovaradin, Republic of Serbia.

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