MO4R – International Relations – Determinants of Resilient Sustainable Development
Project duration: 2024 – 2027
Naručitelj: Ministry of Science, Education and Youth
Web page CroRIS:

The project is focused on the identification and analysis of economic, political, security, cultural, and other social processes to achieve sustainable development and strengthen the resilience of the Republic of Croatia in the regional and international context. Key research areas include: (i) stability and security (UN Sustainable Development Goals 9, 11, 16, and 17), (ii) competitiveness and innovation (Goals 8, 9, 11, 12), and (iii) global challenges and the international context (Goals 6, 7, 10, 13, 14, 16, 17). To a lesser extent, issues related to local cultural, social, and natural resources and their utilization are also covered (Goals 3, 4, 5, 11, 1). As part of the project, a Center for Migration Studies will be established. The analysis will cover: (i) the goals, interests, and actions of the Republic of Croatia in the European and broader international context, (ii) the actions of the European Union and its member states in foreign policy and security, transatlantic relations with a special emphasis on NATO alliance policies, and (iii) global relations. Based on these analyses, key social and economic processes will be identified, along with the necessary policies and measures to enhance resilience and sustainability. Project activities, in addition to scientific research, will include the dissemination and spread of knowledge, as well as the popularization of science.