Study trip to the USA

May 12, 2024 | News

IRMO’s scholar Emina Bužinkić was on a study trip to the United States from April 7th to May 10th. During this period, she met with colleagues from Rutgers University to plan a symposium on global migration and migrant education, which will be held at the annual Comparative International Education Society (CIES) conference in March next year in Chicago, USA. She also attended the annual American Education Research Society (AERA) conference, where she presented her research paper “Shifting grounds for Education Research Amid Multiple Pandemics: Refugee Youth Stories Countering Racialized Schooling” and participated in the Critical Examination of Race, Ethnicity, Class, and Gender working group meeting. She was a guest lecturer at Cornell University with presentations on “Countering Politics of Death & Erasure: People’s Tribunal & Migrant Justice” and “Feminist methodologies and decolonizing research with refugees”. Additionally, she participated as a co-organizer and moderator of two symposiums at the University of Minnesota, “Environmental Justice Worldmaking” and “Violence and the Shifting Politics of Knowledge Production in the Middle East“.

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