Sandro Knezović

International Conference ‘Navigating the Future Enlargement Landscape – Strategic Steps for a Larger and More Robust EU’

Feb 13, 2024 | News

7th-9th February 2024

Sandro Knezović, PhD, Scientific Advisor at the Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO), participated as a speaker at the international conference titled ‘Navigating the Future Enlargement Landscape – Strategic Steps for a Larger and More Robust EU’, organised by the Institute of International Relations and Political Science at the Vilnius University.

The second event of this type gathered prominent experts on the EU enlargement from different EU member states. The debate focused on the issue of further enlargement and development of the EU in a very demanding geostrategic environment characterised by Russia’s aggression in Ukraine. Namely, while the integration process in Southeast Europe has been stalled for quite a long period of time, the developments at the EU’s eastern flanks have forced the Union to adopt a decision to open accession negotiation with Ukraine and Moldova, while Georgia was granted a candidate status. In a situation where there are more than ten candidate and potential candidate states, the EU also has to find ways to make the decision-making procedures swifter and more efficient. Hence, the issue of qualified-majority voting and other potential models of sustainable decision-making and adequate political representation have been discussed.

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